Thursday 29 May 2008

HTC Touch Diamond Release date announced

To counter the iPhone’s phenomenal success, mobile phone makers have been pushing their R&D departments to work overtime in order to create a device that will rival its popularity. Enter the HTC Touch Diamond, a smart phone that is comparable to Apple’s gem in terms of features and style. The HTC Touch Diamond’s outlook is a subjective matter but it cannot be denied that this gadget looks every bit as sleek and flawless as an iPhone.

HTC upped the ante by giving the HTC Touch Diamond a Windows Mobile 6.1 OS. They intend to push the limits and make the interface more pleasurable to use by introducing the TouchFlo 3D, a better system that its TouchFlo predecessor in terms of gesture control, task switching in a fully 3D environment as well as other technical and cosmetic enhancements. Unlike the iPhone, the HTC Touch Diamond as large but measuring 102mm x 51mm x 11.5mm in size and 110 grams in weight, it sure packs a punch. Again, it is a subjective matter as to whether mobile phone users would actually sacrifice display size in favour of a smaller compact smart phone. The display panel which is just 2.8” compared to the iPhone’s gargantuan 3.5” screen, might seem miniscule but it is not lacking in clarity at all. In keeping up with the iPhone craze around the world, HTC emulated a useful iPhone feature in which the HTC Touch Diamond’s interface can be switched between landscape and portrait orientations whenever you swivel the screen.

The phone will be released on the 2nd week of June 2008. Register your interest in the HTC Touch Diamond now!

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